Dear friends,
Things are pretty chaotic right now, and knowing it was coming doesnβt make it any easier. Clients and friends are distraught and having trouble maintaining their positivity in the midst of so much uncertainty, and I know many of you probably are too.
From my forecast for 2025, and what I still believe:
We have known for a long time that 2025 would be a pivotal year; the year everything changes. Political structures all over the world are undergoing profound shifts; technology is advancing by leaps and bounds in ways that we canβt even recognize. When are in the midst of a transformative period such as this resistance really is futile. There are many things that we cannot control when we are dealing with outer planets, planets of fate. But there is still much that we CAN control. We can control our goals, our desires, and own personal transformation. We can envision our own enlightened future in this brave new world. We can learn to open our hearts and face each day with love and gratitude.
In February we begin to edge into Pisces season and the raw nerves of an intense Aquarius influence will begin to disappear. Pisces, traditionally ruled by Jupiter, seeks hope and the promise of better things.
Read on for the illuminations of major planetary events in February, and stay tuned for the weekly forecast every Monday. π
DATES AND TIMES ARE FOR EASTERN TIME ZONE, here is a time zone converterΒ to adjust for your locality. You'll find the full planetary calendar towards the bottom of this post.
Mars square Chiron February 3. I usually donβt cover Mars in the monthy forecast because it moves so quickly, but since it is retrograde in Cancer now these strong aspects can linger for quite a while. Although the exact aspect is February 3rd, Mars will be in a square aspect to Chiron for about two weeks and both planets are virtually stationary. (Plus Mars is debilitated in Cancer.) Many of us will be hyper sensitive and reactive during this period so take care in your personal dealings. There are many unseen dramas.
If you have planets between 15ΒΊ and 25ΒΊ of the cardinal planets Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra πββοΈ you may be particularly affected by these energies. You may feel it emotionally as old wounds surface to be processed and released. Or you may feel it physically as a vulnerability to infections or physical pain. If this is the case be kind to yourself. It will soon pass and in the meantime you can give yourself some loving kindness to resolve old patterns that keep us wounded.
Jupiter turns direct February 4. Jupiter has been retrograde in Gemini since October; it will turn direct at 11ΒΊ Gemini and will remain stationary at that degree until early March. This means that Jupiterβs influence is at its most potent right now, focusing our attention on what will bring good luck and good fortune. Jupiter tends to increase our confidence and our potential for growth in all areas which is a wonderful thing, but too much of a good thing can cause problems.
Jupiter in Gemini puts the focus on communication and learning, and with this strong Jupiter influence right now opinions and ideas will be flying. If you tend towards mental exhaustion you will want to balance life in the mental realm with activities that calm and center.
Also, Venus enters Aries February 4 and will be in Aries for a very long time (until June 6) due to the upcoming Venus retrograde cycle. Venus is said to be in its detriment in Aries where the natural Venusian inclination towards attachment is distracted by the force and power of the individual Will. Aries is naturally self-oriented and encourages self-initiation; Venus, seeking love and harmony, is not well suited to the fiery energies.
Those of you with Venus in Aries natally will understand what I mean! This week Venus leaves Pisces and the misty realms of love and universal compassion for the battleground. Venus in Aries seeks the courage to stand up for ourselves and achieve our own needs, even while in relationship with others. In Aries, Venus establishes solid boundaries and defends them well. At its best, Venus in Aries is the knight of the age of chivalry, brave and true to god and country. At its worst, relationships are sacrificed for reasons of ego and self-aggrandisement.
Ceres square Uranus February 6. Ceres represents our relationship to physical incarnation: How we relate to food and its ability to nourish us, and how well we are able to maintain that critical balance of body, mind and spirit. In my work I have seen Ceres challenges involved in depression, eating disorders, and traumas in mothering and in being mothered.
Ceres is in Aquarius now, and the transformational (outer planet) ruler of Aquarius is Uranus so this is a bit of a βdouble whammyβ of influences. Uranus is a disruptive influence; it shakes us into wakefulness and alerts us to dissatisfaction and the eventual breaking out of old routines and situations that no longer fit. There is also a nervous component to Uranus, so this influence (until around February 13) may bring out any latent anxiety or restlessness. Be sure to eat nourishing food which grounds and anchors us in the body and limit sugars and processed foods which affect the nervous system.
Leo Full Moon February 12. Speaking of Uranus, it is very tightly woven into the themes of this Leo Full Moon. When the Moon is full in Leo, opposing the Aquarius Sun, the polarity between the universality of Aquarius and the Leo focus on joyful self-expression becomes clear. Ruled by the Sun, Leo seeks the glorification of life and abundant confidence; the divine child shining from within in beautiful simplicity and eagerness. The exact square from Uranus to the Sun and Moon in this Full Moon chart suggests a βdisturbance in the forceβ (β’StarWars) which will throw some things off kilter.
Mercury is also tightly wound into the threads of this Full Moon, conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon, and in Aquarius it bestows the ability to see from a broader perspective. Observation rather than reactivity will be a key here.
Mercury enters Pisces February 23. Mercury, planet of the mind, takes a trip into the imagination when it travels through Pisces. Objectivity can be difficult to find, but creativity and a sense of wonder is abundant. Mercury typically spends just a few weeks in a sign, but after entering Aries on March 29th it will retrograde back into Pisces until mid-April.
Mercury traveling through Pisces is a wonderful time for creatives and for anyone who would like to be creative. The mind is more porous and it can be easier to take in information that we would normally reject (although of course this will affect each of us differently). This can make us more open-minded, although there is also the danger that we will be more gullible and easy to influence so be a little careful about what kind of information you collect.
Mars turns direct in Cancer February 23. For a deep dive into the story of the Mars journey through Cancer visit this article. Mars is said to be debilitated in Cancer where the assertive energies of Mars find it difficult to find expression. This is especially true when Mars is retrograde as it has been for the past couple of months! Like all planetary changes of direction, Mars will be at a virtual standstill for much of the month and into early March, squaring off against Chiron and generally causing discomfort and problems (see section above if you missed it).
Any debilitated Mars requires attention and focus to find that quality of assertive power, and this is a good time for that. Asking good Mars questions such as βWhat do I want from life right now?β or βWhere am I losing myself in the demands of othersβ will be very useful as we traverse this time of Mars-y challenge.
Pisces New Moon February 28. New Moons are always times of new beginnings β itβs the beginning of the new lunar cycle when the solar and lunar principles are fused and integration can occur. This New Moon is the perfect time for a spiritual retreat, or to focus on a project involving artistry or some other type of creativity such as music and dance. Any experience in which we can let go of ourselves and allow the divinity to channel through us will be heightened and enhanced under this New Moon. Pisces tells us to forget about our obligations and instead immerse ourselves in a transcendent experience so you can see why our attention to detail during this period might not be as clear as usual.
This New Moon is packed with Piscean glamour and sparkle, with four personal planets in Pisces as well as Ceres and Neptune, plus the North Node of fate! Mars, newly direct in Cancer, harmonizes with Saturn to help provide stability in the midst of the watery flow of the New Moon. New Moon intentions for greater connection to Higher Self will be well-favored at this time, as well any desire for a deeper spiritual or inspirational connection.
Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful month. π
If you'd like to know more about how your own personal chart is affected by these planetary events, consider having aΒ personal consultationΒ with me.Β π
Planetary Calendar
(Major events are in bold face; dates and times are for the Eastern time zone, hereβs a timezone converter to adjust for your locality)
2/1 Venus conjunct Neptune
Venus conjunct North Node
2/3 Mercury trine Jupiter
Mars square Chiron
2/4 Venus enters Aries
Jupiter turns direct
2/6 Ceres square Uranus
2/7 Neptune conjunct North Node
Venus sextile Pluto
2/8 Sun sextile Chiron
Mercury sextile Chiron
2/9 Sun conjunct Mercury (superior)
Mars trine Saturn
2/10 Mercury square Uranus
Mercury conjunct Ceres
2/12 Full Moon 24 Leo, 1:53 pm
2/14 Mercury enters Pisces
Sun conjunct Ceres
2/18 Sun enters Pisces
2/20 Mercury square Jupiter
2/23 Mercury trine Mars
Ceres enters Pisces
Mars turns direct
2/25 Mercury conjunct Saturn
2/27 Mercury sextile Uranus
2/28 New Moon 9 Pisces, 12:44 am